Wayne's World of Snakes and Reptile Rescue
Wayne's World of Snakes
Snake Crawling Across a Bar

Available for Sale


Photo Gallery
Kimberly's Critters
Weekly Updates
About Us

Wayne's World of Snakes
Wayne Howell
(713) 817-0113

E-mail us at:
[email protected]




Snakes have been a passion and hobby of mine since I was a small child. I was fortunate to have parents who supported my fascination with reptiles though I am sure there were times when I was growing up they wished I had chosen something else to occupy my time. It has now become a part time business for me, although I just plain enjoy collecting and teaching young children about snakes so their minds do not get cluttered with "old wives tales" and things that simply are not true. Snakes and most other reptiles are amazing creatures and should be cared for and handled with no less care than one would care for their dog or cat.

When I became old enough to drive, I spent my spring and summer vacations snakehunting in West Texas — Del Rio, Sanderson and Big Bend. I first discovered the region back in 1980 when I was involved with a Post Exxon Explorers group. We would all get together once a week and collect computer paper that the employees would put outside their office. We would collect it in janitor carts and at the end of the season, we would take a trip with the money we had received from recycling. The first places we went to was Big Bend National Park and Ft. Davis State Park. I have been in love with West Texas ever since.

As an adult, I still hit the road almost every weekend, starting May 1, searching for the beloved Gray-Banded Kingsnake. I’ve made countless trips over the years and I now have 385,000 miles on my ’94 Chevy Blazer as of August 1, 2007...and it is still purring like a kitten! Well, maybe not quite that smoothly, but it's still pumping those miles out. My ultimate goal is to make it to 500,000 miles before I get a new one. It's been a great vehicle, and to be quite truthful, I will be sad to see it go and pray that I get another vehicle comparable to this one.

My wife, Kim, and now my two sons, Caleb and Weston, keep me company when I head out West. Kim is the ultimate “Alterna Queen” with two Gray-Band catches of her own! Check out “Kimberly's Critters” to see what she’s up to. Her site is due to be updated very soon so keep on the watch! If you would like to learn a little more about our background and interests, go to “About Us.”

To keep up with my activities, go to “Weekly Updates.” I make every effort to update this page as soon as possible when I return from a trip. Sometimes I’m not able to get to it right away because “real life” takes priority...mowing the grass, feeding my snakes, and working a full-time job, and certainly I cannot forget to mention taking care of what really matters...our children. Rest assured, though, I get it up there eventually so please check back regularly. The winter time is the slowest as far as updates.

Through the years, I have handled many different kinds of snakes and I photograph as many as possible. If you are interested in seeing them, go to the “Photo Gallery” and scroll through the list of colubrids, gray-banded kingsnakes, wild caught and Belize herps. The snakes shown have been, or currently are, part of my private collection. These pictures are for your viewing pleasure and none of the animals featured are available for sale. I specifically have an "Available for Sale" page for my herps that can be purchased.

I hope you enjoy visiting my website. Feel free to drop me a line if you find something of interest or have a question about snakes.

- Wayne Howell

The Howell Family
(Click on photos to enlarge)

Kim and Wayne
on Sunday Safari
(Photo by Caleb Howell)

Caleb and Weston in a bluebonnet field

Christmas Photo 2006

Kim, Wayne, Weston and Caleb in Belize